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Guiding Lights: Part 1

Kevin Toh


Have you ever paused to think about the figures who significantly influenced your life? As I reflect on my journey, I find a special group of awe-inspiring individuals who are my beacon of inspiration in my personal development. Each and every one of them has played a significant role in shaping me into who I am today.

There are more inspirational people that I want to write about so do keep a look out!

The Best Chinese Language Teacher I've Had

In primary school, I was fortunate to have Mr Tan as my Chinese language teacher, a charismatic educator who possessed the remarkable ability to captivate the entire class. His approach to teaching transformed what might have been a mundane subject to many, to a fascinating exploration of the language.

Mr Tan has a unique talent for making Chinese characters come alive. Instead of the usual rote memorization, he wove interesting stories about the origin of each character, word and phrase. Through his animated storytelling, he not only simplified the learning process but also instilled a profound appreciation for the language. This approach not only made the classroom a lively and dynamic space but also ensured that the lessons stayed with us long after the school bell rang.

One invaluable lesson I gleaned from Mr. Tan was the art of relatability in communication. He had an innate ability to convey complex concepts in a way that resonated with us. By linking the intricacies of the Chinese language to relatable anecdotes, he made learning not just comprehensible but enjoyable.

Mr. Tan's impact extended beyond the classroom. His teaching philosophy taught me that effective communication isn't just about delivering information. It is about creating a connection. Whether unravelling the mysteries of Chinese characters or guiding us through the nuances of the language, he showed us that relatability and engagement were the keys to fostering a true understanding of any subject.

Reflecting on those formative years, I realize that Mr. Tan wasn't just a teacher; he was an inspiration. His dedication to making learning an exciting journey left an indelible mark on my approach to education and communication. In essence, he taught me that the art of teaching is a combination of connection and engagement; a lesson that goes far beyond the pages of a textbook.