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The Fight Against Adversity

Kevin Toh


I wish I could turn back time and diagnosed it earlier.

This post is about my ongoing battle against cancer as a family. From being delivered the unfortunate news and going through the emotional struggles, to finding solace in giving back to the society and discovering superfoods that have anti-cancer properties. This journey is an ongoing one and it has been rather tough.


Right before the COVID-19 pandemic, my mom was delivered the unfortunate news that she was diagnosed with Lung Cancer and it had metastasized to other parts of her body. My dad and I were distraught as we didn't knew how to break the news to our relatives. We received various words and gifts of sympathy from friends and relatives, which I am very grateful till this day. I was really devastated and the pain was squeezing my heart. It felt like stepping on shattered glass as I was still trying to accept reality. Looking back at it, I felt that it was the defining moment when I lost confidence for the future. I couldn’t dream years ahead into the future because things are so unpredictable, you never know what is going to come next.

It was only shortly after that the pandemic hit Singapore and the growing COVID-19 cases led to the lockdown or what the government would call “circuit breaker”. The economy took a severe hit as numerous layoffs took place for jobs that could not offer remote work as an alternative. Unfortunately, my dad was affected by it. It only made the situation more challenging as our family's main source of income was cut off. I still remember the devastation in my dad's eyes after learning that he was retrenched. It was only a few days before my Ecommerce Applications Development (ECAD) final exam which was my last paper before graduating from Ngee Ann Polytechnic. Upon knowing that my dad had been retrenched, my mood instantly took a hit as it definitely casted doubts on what I wanted to do after completing my Diploma. Plans for a graduation trip had to be shelved due to lockdowns across the world. It was a difficult period to find a part time job as companies were not hiring and I couldn’t commit my availability as I didn't knew when I was going to enlist into the army.

Despite the string of bad luck, I am grateful that Singapore has numerous social safety nets in place. The COVID-19 support and recovery grants were greatly beneficial and we were able to cover my mom’s treatment using insurance claims and any remaining fees through MediFund. Within a span of 3 months, my dad found another job and I was enlisted into the army to begin my National Service.

The Fight Back

Together we stand, togther we fight!

In the face of cancer, there road to recovery is an arduous journey. It is one that demands resilience, courage, and unwavering support. Beyond medical treatments and therapies, the crucial role of family and friends cannot be underestimated. Their love, encouragement and understanding form the bedrock upon which the fight against cancer stands. I would like to also mention that my mom is someone I look up to in the face of adversity because of her unwavering fighting spirit. She inspires me to not give up when faced with difficulties in life. As such, I am planning to dedicate a seperate post for her in the future!

In our concerted effort to combat cancer, my family has made an ubiquitous decision to foster a healthier lifestyle. We believe that showing our solidarity would let my mom know that we will always be there supporting her as a family. In summary, we adopted healthy eating habits, started being physically active and getting enough sleep each day.

Healthy Eating Habits

We eliminated processed and potentially harmful foods from our diet, opting for healthier sources. Gone were the days where we used to eat canned luncheon meat and instant noodles. Instead, we've embraced a diet rich in nutrient-dense options, opting for brown rice, reducing overall carbohydrate intake, and substantially increasing our consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Being Physically Active

We recognized the importance of being physically active to maintain good health. My mom wasn't particularly keen into exercising. However, with encouragement we convinced her go for a stroll in the neighbourhood park and contribute to her physical wellbeing. As for myself, I'll run at least twice a week except during busy periods of the semester as well as do some calisthenics at home.

Getting adequate sleep

Sleep is a time when the body undergoes repair and restoration processes. Tissues and muscles are repaired and the immune system is strengthened during deep sleep. This helps the body recover from the wear and tear of daily activities. Many of us have the habit of sleeping late and sometimes we get to bed at ungodly hours like 2-3am. Unfortunately the lack of sleep can harm you down the road as your body does not get enough time to repair damaged tissues which increases the risk of developing cancer. My parents would sleep in early but as for me it is rather challenging to do so during the semester due to the weekly submissions and academic workload.


  • Against all odds and despite all obstacles, we are going to make it!
  • Always give your uptmost best even though the odds are against you.

Foods with cancer-fighting properties

Certain foods are recognized for their cancer-fighting properties due to the presence of bioactive compounds, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial substances. These components can contribute to the prevention, suppression, or elimination of cancer cells through various mechanisms.

1. Black Goji Berries

Black Goji Berries are rich in anthocyanins and antioxidants which can be helpful in immune-boosting qualities and their ability to fight harmful free radicals and inflammation.

2. Soursop Leaf Tea / Soursop

Soursop leaves contai a type of phytochemicals known as annonaceous acetogenin compounds (AGEs) that kill, block or fight certain types of cancers

3. Sabah Snake Grass

Clinacanthus nutans (a.k.a Sabah Snake Grass) is also used to treat several cancers, including breast, cervical, colon, gastric, head and neck, liver, lung, pancreatic, and skin cancers, as well as lymphoma and leukemia; however, the underlying mechanisms of its anticancer activity remained undetermined.